The Staffordshire Bull
The website & forum for owners & lovers of a great breed
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Purchasing a puppy

When you have decided that you would like to buy a dog you have to take into account whether you would like a puppy or an adult dog, a bitch or a dog. It would be best to buy a pedigree dog if you decide to have a Stafford. There are a number of places to get your dog from – an animal shelter, a private person or a reliable breeder. You must decide these things well in advance to suit your needs.

Choosing a puppy

You will find that it is easily adaptable but will be very playful and energetic. Looking after a young dog can be quite time consuming as in the first year it will need a lot of training. It will need to learn obedience, house training and social behaviour. A puppy will also leave a trail of destruction around the house but this will disappear with good upbringing. It might be a good idea to buy an indoor kennel for your puppy as it will try and dismantle anything it can reach. A puppy is more expensive than an older dog and will need all the necessary vaccinations and check-ups.

An older dog

Will be quieter as it has already had the necessary training etc. but it still needs correcting occasionally as its previous owner may have formed its character in less positive ways.

Purchasing your puppy Advantages & Disadvantages
Male or Female Where to buy
Care Tips
Food Dangers
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